Sexologisk rehabilitering vid cancer - konferens i USA 17-19 juni 2011

  • 27 jan 2011
Sexologisk rehabilitering vid cancersjukdom är viktigt för livskvaliteten.
Cancer survivors and sex: Konferens i Washington 17-19 juni 2011.  Se
Ur programmet:
- Cancer Survivorship and Sexual Health: what are the issues facing men, women and children who survive malignancy - Cancer Survivor Care Plans Addressing Sexual Function - Erectile Dysfunction following surgery and radiotherapy for colorectal and GU malignancies - Female Sexual Dysfunction following mastectomy and treatments for pelvic malignancies - Pediatric cancer survivors and normal sexual maturation through adolescence - Fertility and the cancer survivor - Body image in cancer survivors - Psychosexual dysfunctions and couple issues in cancer survivors - Secondary malignancies and behaviour health modification in cancer survivors - Intimacy and marital stresses in cancer survivors